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Contacting Suppliers
Send Multiple Inquiries to Products or Suppliers PDF Print E-mail
  1. Select the checkbox beside each product or supplier you are interested in.
  2. Click ADD TO BASKET button.
  3. When you are ready to make your inquiry, go to inquiry_basket located at the top-right corner of each page.
  4. Review your selection and click SEND ENQUIRY button.
  5. Complete the inquiry form and submit.

Your Inquiry Basket works like a shopping cart, thus offering buyers greater convenience. You can add up to 38 items in your Inquiry Basket. The items in your Inquiry Basket will remain active only if you keep at least one page open. Please send your inquiries before you leave the website.

Sending Inquiries PDF Print E-mail

You can send inquiries to sellers you find through browse or search. Use these steps:

  1. Select the checkbox beside each product or supplier you are interested in
  2. Click SEND ENQUIRY button.
  3. Complete the inquiry form and submit.
  4. If you check more than one product or supplier, your inquiries will be sent to these suppliers simultaneously.
  5. Once you send out your inquiry, it will probably take sellers a few days to respond. Their replies will be sent to your Message Center in My Trademal.