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Account Information

The "Account Information" section in My Trademal stores your Company Profile, Business Categories, Business Contact, Site Statistics, News Manager and Change Password.

To give buyers an overview of your company, we suggest you complete all the section on Account Information. Please provide accurate and detailed information to ensure clarity.

Main Market PDF Print E-mail


Please select the options accordingly to help buyers to reach you in more effective way.

Business Keyword PDF Print E-mail


Keyword means the word that your company is searched with. Four out of five customers will search for what they need directly. Keyword is at the heart of searching because if your keyword is matched with a customer's sought products, your company can be listed for buyers instantly.

Category PDF Print E-mail


To promote your business in an effective way, we suggest you select more than one relevant category. This will help Trademal Administrator to do Business Matching more accurately.

Company Profile PDF Print E-mail

There are few steps to have systematic and structured company at Please follow accordingly.


You need to upload your company logo to have better attraction to all the visitors at This is also a good way to do branding campaign for your company.


Your Company Profile information must be completed in My Trademal. Posting a Company Profile is highly recommended for all members. By displaying your company details to potential partners, you are reinforcing your online presence and credibility.

We suggest you provide additional company information here, such as your location, company history, achievements, investors, main customers, product brand, quality, equipment and technology. This information will give your potential customers more complete information.


You need to select from the given choices to give administrator a better idea to help your business.


Select from the option to give a brief image about your company.