Buying Leads is the function for you to get connecting with supplier in simple way at After log in to your account, you can Post Buying Leads to buy product or request quotation from the members at Your Buying Leads will publish on and the administrator will help you to do buying leads matching with other related suppliers. It extends wider reach and provides cost effectiveness to the buyer. |
- Click the COMPANIES or PRODUCTS tab on the main navigation bar on any page.
- You can browse the extensive categories to source what you needed.
The following steps will help you to increase search result accuracy.
- If the results are unsatisfactory, reduce the number of words (e.g., "bicycle framework" instead of "carbon bicycle frame work").
- Avoid keywords which are too specific or specialized (e.g., "4X4 Honda ATV")
- Only search one product at a time.
- Don't include a country/region's name in your search (e.g., "shoe Malaysia").
- Don't include the word "buyer" or "seller" in your keyword phrase (e.g., "shoe buyer").
You can send inquiries to sellers you find through browse or search. Use these steps:
- Select the checkbox beside each product or supplier you are interested in
- Click SEND ENQUIRY button.
- Complete the inquiry form and submit.
- If you check more than one product or supplier, your inquiries will be sent to these suppliers simultaneously.
- Once you send out your inquiry, it will probably take sellers a few days to respond. Their replies will be sent to your Message Center in My Trademal.
As you searching for any company or product at, you can Send Enquiry instantly to particular company or product. This will help you to get more targeted information from the suppliers.
Follow these steps to begin your buying experience:
- If you are new to, Register Now (images) as the member initially.
- Activate your account.
- Post Buying Leads
by using the tool provided in your account.
- Start sourcing COMPANIES and PRODUCTS.
- Send Enquiry for contacting particular supplier or product.
- As you have the keywords for what you are looking for, just enter the company or product name in a search box to start sourcing
- Sourcing by keywords in COMPANIES. The results will include company name and logo, company information, business contact, posted date, membership type, and direct link to member personal showroom.
- Sourcing by keywords in PRODUCTS. The results will display product name, company name, product description and direct link to supplier product showroom.
- Results are sorted by relevance and by membership type.
- Use "Advance Search" to refine your search results.
- Use the asterisk (*) sign: To broaden your search, use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word or partial word. For example, "auto*" would return all postings starting with "auto", such as "auto" or "automobile" or "automation", etc.
- Use quotation marks (" "): For exact results, use quotation marks (e.g., "ac adapter"). If the results are not satisfactory, try again without quotation marks (e.g., ac adapter).
- Use the plus (+) sign: When using the operator "+" a keyword will definitely appear in the search results (i.e. "red+apple" will return results containing "apple", but may not contain "red", although those with the word "red" will be listed first.) Please note: Do not leave any spaces between the "+" sign and the keyword.
- Use the minus (-) sign: When using the operator "-" sign, a keyword will not appear in the search results. (i.e. "apple-red" will return all results containing "apple", but no results containing "red" will appear.) Please note: Do not leave any spaces between the "-" sign and the keyword.
- Remember, make sure that no punctuation marks except +, -, and " " are included in your keyword phrase (i.e. bearing 3000/sec).
If you encounter any problems during browsing or searching, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions for a solution. |
- Select the checkbox beside each product or supplier you are interested in.
- Click ADD TO BASKET button.
- When you are ready to make your inquiry, go to
located at the top-right corner of each page.
- Review your selection and click SEND ENQUIRY button.
- Complete the inquiry form and submit.
Your Inquiry Basket works like a shopping cart, thus offering buyers greater convenience. You can add up to 38 items in your Inquiry Basket. The items in your Inquiry Basket will remain active only if you keep at least one page open. Please send your inquiries before you leave the website. |