Single Keyword Search |
Display the bestmatch relevance web page by input specific key word. e.g: input "football" or "travel agency" for single keyword search. |
Chinese/Engligh Phrase Search |
To search more than one key word, user can separate words by space bar. e.g: input the query of " sale expansion"for phrase search, user can get search results in "sale expansion","sale scale expansion" and releated web page. |
fuzzy search |
Through "Openfind intelligent fuzzy search" function, the query can be matched with a text fragment automatically, and user can solve the typo error with search result suggestions. e.g:input "Discoverer", can be matched with "Discovery" |
Optimization Search |
For optimization search, user can use (,) to separate multi key words. The search results will be displayed by priority score. e.g: input the query of "e-commerce,B2B,B2C"ˇA then the priority ranking will be:the article with 3 key words the article with 2 key wordsˇ÷the article with 1 key word only. |
Conditional Search |
To search multiple key words, a user can use a plus sign (+) to force inclusion of a word, and use a minus sign (-) to force exclusion. e.g: A user wants to search articles about "Apple", but not the ones about "iTune". The user may simply input "Apple,-iTune" to precisely search articles that contain "Apple" but do not contain "iTune".
* The conditional search does not support the script of (+) and (-) to be placed before the first key word, e.g: "-iTune,Apple". |
Boolean Operators-OR |
To separate and search multi terms, user can input "or" or "|" to search articles. e.g:input the query of "strategy or plan" or "strategy | plan"ˇC |
Boolean Operators-AND |
To separate and search multi terms, user can use "and" or "&" to define queries. e.g: Search "strategy and plan" or "strategy & plan". |
Boolean Operators-NOT |
To separate and search multi-terms, user can use "not" or "!" to define queries.The search results will contain listed queries without"not", to assist the user to find the results more precisely. e.g: input the query of"PC or Sever not Operation Platform".
* Boolean operators do not support the script of "not" or "!".which have placed before key words, e.g:"not Operation Platform" or Server". |