About Us |
Established since 1959 as SIN SING & COMPANY, the business was assumed by SIN SING COFFEE SDN BHD in the year 2001. Since then, our company has expanded rapidly and has successfully penetrated into many parts of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore.
Today, our brand is so popular that one can easily find our products in most of the hypermarkets, supermarkets, retail, and food and beverages outlets. Our presence is easily felt through our extensive signs and posters. Among our popular brands is Sin Sing brand, Satayman brand, and Meet U Brand and Double Squirrel Brand.
Product Range
We produce coffee base products range from pure coffee powder, coffee mixture, coffee bag without sugar, coffee bag with sugar (2 in 1), instant white coffee cappuccino, instant coffee mix (3 in 1) instant white coffee tarik and white coffee premix with Tongkat Ali Ginseng(5 in 1)..
Raw Material & Its Source
We use the finest coffee bean namely Arabica, Robusta and Liberica. These ma... |