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Product Based / Toys, Games & Hobbies » Dolls

Kaethe Kruse - Sambär Musical

Product Description
Musical toy with calming melodies and lullabies. Useful at home, in the car or on holiday - your child will relax hearing the familiar calming tunes. Stimulates the sense of hearing. The toy can also be laid on the mother to be´s belly to calm the unborn child with the soft tunes. The child will get used to the melody and remember after it´s born.

- Dimension : 25cm / 10in
- Special features : Musical with melody
- features : Hand wash
( Price show excluded taxes and shipment cost )

Product Keywords : 87318 , Kaethe Kruse, Sambär Musical
Quantity / Order : While stock last
Price : MYR 166.15
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29-2, Jalan CM 2 , Taman Cheng Mutiara, Melaka, Melaka, 75250. MALAYSIA

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