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Revertex Finewaters Sdn Bhd
About Us
Revertex Finewaters Sdn. Bhd. (RFW) has emerged as the leading adhesive manufacturer in Malaysia with DURABOND Time Proven Quality Product. DURABOND is used extensively across all industries. Infact, wherever you are, DURABOND is certainly to be nearby.

Revertex Finewaters Sdn Bhd has a combined experience of over 100 years in the adhesive industry, supplying customers with Time Proven Quality Adhesives under the DURABOND trademark.

Revertex Finewaters Sdn Bhd is an ISO14001:2004, ISO9001:2000 and OHSAS18001:1999 certified company. The accreditation marks another milestone achievement, epitomized the commitment, belief and practices of all the employees and management team towards quality, safety, health and environment policy.
Automotive Industry
PU foam to fabrics PC 8821LV PC 8822 Fire retardant PC 9811 Carpet backing PC 8812MV(III) Plastic flocking Flock-on(II)
Contact Us
Revertex Finewaters Sdn Bhd
Lot 6394, Off Sg. Rasa Industrial Area, , Klang, Selangor, 41300. MALAYSIA

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