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Product Based / Health & Beauty » Health Product Agents

Easyphamax Bio Trim

Product Description
Keep Your Stubborn Fat at Bay with Our Exceptional Slimming Product, Designed According to Your Blood Type!

Having an attractive figure is everyone’s dream! If one won’t grow fat or gain weight despite how much they eat, that will definitely be great news to all of us. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 16 hundred millions of adults overweight and 6 hundred millions are obese. If situation carries on, there will be 23 hundred millions of adults overweight and 7 hundred millions are obese.

Apart from genetic inheritance that caused obesity, the most important factor is imbalanced diet, which leads to excessive carbohydrate and fat intake. Carbohydrate is the main source of energy for human body and cannot be absorbed without proper breakdown. Thus, carbohydrate needs to be broken down into smaller molecule by α-amylase in saliva and pancreas before it can be absorbed, which later transform into energy for use. However, when the energy (calories) obtained from food is greater than the energy used, the unused energy will then be transformed into fat and stored in the body, result in obesity.

Mother Nature gave us our own self-regulatory system: when the daily calorie intake is lower than our basal metabolism energy required, our body will slows down the metabolism rate, which in fact worsen the result of those who tried to slim down by fasting. The worst thing is that when you resume to normal diet, you will gain fat even faster! INS Bioscience Bhd with its International R&D team in cooperation with American Bio Company, has successfully developed a trendy slimming formula named Bio-Trim, it is proven safe without serious side effects under the research done by Department of Physiology, University Malaya.

Why Eat Right According to Your Blood Type?
Medical researches have shown that everything we eat is related to our blood group (gene); in other words each blood group has different indications and contra-indications for food. This is because every blood group has specific antigen which must be compatible with the coagulating factors (a type of protein) contained in food. The incompatibility may result in damage to red and white blood cells, as well as the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and also may cause tumors and diseases. Hence, eating foods and choosing the formulations right for your blood type is the best assurance to your health.

Main Function

What Does Bio-Trim Do To Burn Excessive Fat Calories from Your Food and Your Body?

Inhibits starch from being broken down and absorbed
Accelerates fat burning and depletion
Binds to lipids and excretion of residue from body
Inhibits lipid from being absorbed
Bio-Trim helps you to trim and burn excessive calories from fat through three important mechanisms: Lipid inhibition, Lipid coagulation and Lipid elimination.

1. Lipid inhibition
Using the unique Bio-extract technology, the active extraction of Bio-Trim temporarily inactivates the activity of enzyme responsible for starch breakdown (alpha-amylase), which effectively inhibits conversion of starch into glucose and lipids, thus cannot be digested and absorbed.

2. Lipid coagulation
Besides inhibiting dietary starch from breaking down into lipids, Bio-Trim binds effectively with dietary lipids, thereby lipids are not absorbed in the intestine and therefore excreted out from the body. Bio-Trim also inhibits the formation of lipids, contributes towards calorie reduction, and enhances slimming process.

3. Lipid elimination
Bio-Trim burns fat and promote weight reduction in a healthy way, highly effective on thigh, arm, tummy and hip. Bio-Trim is a new breakthrough active formula, which helps in maintaining intestinal function, promote metabolism and enables smoother excretion of constituent.
Product Keywords : slimming, franchise, health
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