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BRIS Information Services Sdn Bhd (BRIS)
About Us
BRIS Information Services Sdn Bhd (BRIS)
BRIS Information Services Sdn Bhd (BRIS) is Malaysia’s oldest private and independent credit bureau. Its shareholders include:

• Rating Agency Malaysia Bhd (RAM), the premier rating agency in Malaysia
• DP Information Network Pte Ltd (DP Info), Singapore’s most established information and rating bureau, operating in Singapore for more than 25 years
• Basis Holdings Sdn Bhd, the original founder with more than 23 year history in the provision of credit information

BRIS’s vision is to develop into a full-fledged corporate and consumer credit and information bureau, contributing significantly towards making Malaysia a transparent credit society. We envision a day when credit checks become a norm in daily business transactions and where companies and individuals with good credit standing will be able to access credit faster and at better terms. Towards this objective, BRIS will be introducing new services and initiatives from time to time. At the same time we will be working towards developing long-term mutually beneficial relationships with all our clients.
Contact Us
BRIS Information Services Sdn Bhd (BRIS)
22-24, Lorong Medan Tuanku 1, , Off Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, 50300. MALAYSIA

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