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Custom Craft (M) Sdn. Bhd.
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IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter HS Type
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter HS Type
General Purpose Type With High Treatment Capacity The most versatile of screw decanter type centrifuges, used in a wide range of fields
IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter DP Type
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter DP Type
Energy-saving DP centrifuges that are particularly strong in the dehydration of organice sludge.
IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter ISC-H Type Centrifugal Thickener
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter ISC-H Type Centrifugal Thickener
Applications: -Sewage and community plants Primary setting pond sludge and mixture sludge after gravity concentration, activated sludge and other...
IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter DPA/B Type
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter DPA/B Type
DPA: Dewatering of organic sludge such as sewage, human excrement DPB: Dewatering of inorganic sludge or others such as resins, foods, metals.
IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter TP Type
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter TP Type
Three-phase Seperation of Oil, Water and Solid Matter in One Step One unit is sufficient for three -phase seperation of oil, water and solid ma...
IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter FS Type
  IHI Three Phase Centrifuge Screw Decanter FS Type
The newly developed IHI screw decanter continous centrifuges for the recovery of precious metals were developed with the technological base ad know...
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Custom Craft (M) Sdn. Bhd.
3 & 5, Jalan Kipas 34/9, , Bkt Kemuning Light Ind Park, Sek. 34, Shah Alam, 40000. MALAYSIA

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